UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS IN HIV

Universal precautions are intended to prevent parental, mucus membrane, and non-irritant skin exposure to health care workers to prevent  blood borne pathogens. Universal precautions apply to blood and  body fluid containing visible blood, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebro-spinal fluid, synovial fluid, plural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, and amniotic fluid. 

Universal precaution do not apply to faeces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, and vomit-us, unless they contain visible blood.


  v Disposable gloves should be worn when I contact or when there is potential for contact with   blood, body fluid, or other fluids that may contain human immunodeficiency virus. Gloves should be removed after each client contact. Rubber gloves can be used for equipment cleaning
  v Hand should be washed between clients, after any exposure, and after removal of gloves.

  v Protective eye wear, face shields, or masks, or a combination should be worn during procedures that may aerosolize blood 

  v Impervious gowns should be worn when there is potential for exposure to large quantities of blood, such as in labour and delivery area or emergency room.


   v Needle should be never be recapped after use, keep in mind that most needle sticks are the result of missed needle recapping
  v Do not cut, break, or bend needles after use this may aerosolized blood from the needle shaft
  v Do not leave used needles lying around.

  v Do not dispose of needles in ordinary receptacles, instead, use appropriately labelled, impermeable needle containers. 

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