Needs and principles of counseling @nursesoutlook


ü  To help the client to accept actual or impending changes that is resulting from stress. It involves psychological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual support.
ü  To foster cognitive, behavioural, developmental, and emotional growth in clients.
ü  To encourage the client to examine the available alternatives and to decide or directs which choices are appropriate and useful for problem salvation.
ü  To develop a sense of control for better management of stress. It provides an opportunity for emotional release and to discuss the ways of coping with problems.
ü  To relieve distress among people who are reacting to difficult circumstances.
ü  To change the behaviour by reducing the stress or risk.
ü  It helps the counselee to acquire independence and a sense of responsibility.
ü  It helps the client to explore and fully utilize his potentialities and actualize himself.
ü  It provides information for the student on matters important to success.
ü  Establishes mutual relationship and understanding between counsellor (teacher) and counselee (student)
ü  Helps the students to know him better i.e. his interests, aptitudes and opportunities.
·       To encourage and develop special abilities and right attitudes.
·       To inspire successful endeavour towards attainment.
·       To assist the students in planning for educational and vocational choices.
·       To help the student to work out a plan for solving his difficulties.
·       Helps in the total development of the student.
The counsellor must expect and accept the difference in the students understands them and plan the solutions.
ü  It helps in the proper choice of course according to the interest, aptitude and intelligence of the student.
·       To help the students to grow, explore and maintain or develop their overall personality.
·       To develop readiness for choices and changes, to face new challenges.
·       To help foe efficient use of manpower.
·       To motivate the students for self employment.
ü  The fresher will be helped to establish a proper identity.
·       To help the students in the period of confusion or turmoil.
·       To help the students in the checking wastage and stagnation.
·       To help the students in need of special help.
·       To minimize the incidence of indiscipline this is leading to destructive activity and social damage


Ø  Emphasizes thinking with the individual.
Ø  Avoid dictatorial attitude.
Ø  Maintains relationship of trust and confidence with the client.
Ø  Client’s need is to be put first.
Ø  Everyone participating in the counselling process must feel comfortable.
Ø  The client’s family members and significant influencing personnel must be included in counselling process.
Ø  Skills of warmth, friendliness, openness and empathy are ingredients of successful counselling process.
Ø  Counsellor has to listen attentively, answer questions objectively, and reinforce important information.
Ø  Let the client make voluntary informed decision.
Ø  Maintain dignity of individual as individual is primary concern in counselling,

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