To study the interaction of children, J.L. Moreno developed the sociometric techniques by using sociogram.
-        It enables the teachers to get a comprehensive picture of the structure of social relationship in the entire class by means of certain instruments and a methods of interpreting and applying the result obtained
-        It is a special method of obtaining the information through oral questions, written response and analyzing the record in studying the group.
-        It is a technique where by each members is asked to state the kind of relationship. Which he hold towards other members. This responses have been recorded graphically and represented in sociogram.
-        The sociometric status, his relationship with other, members in a group perception of other members etc. will be revealed in sociometric.
-        It is a method used to determine the degree to which individuals are accepted or rejected in a group and group structure, sub divisions of the group based on sex, age, caste, family
-        This techniques is simple in use and speedy in administration.

-        The curricular and co-curricular activities formation of groups, choosing companions, partners for specific activities or occasions can be drawn in sociometrics.

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