Simulation defined as an “artificial situation of the student teacher in the classroom. It is telling the students through artificial thought artificial environment how to cope with the class room situation. In other words it is meant to create artificial environment or situation which provides artificial experience for the participants”.
Purpose of simulation
  • Modification of the student behavior
  • Changes in the attitude of the student and teacher
  • Motivation of learner
  • Understanding one’s role in the proper prospective
  • Understanding another person’s  role  from his point view
  • Helping students to assume new roles in the future
Types of simulation
Gordan and Maatsch (1978) have identified 5 types of simulation
  • Written simulation
  • Role played simulation
  • Mediated simulation
  • Physical simulation
  • Computer simulation
  • Gamed simulation
  • Live simulation patients
          These simulation types are not mutually exclusive
Written simulation
A written simulation is a paper and pencil presentation of the actual or cases about which the student must make decisions as if performing in the situation.

Role played simulation
Role playing is a simulation is a technique in which one person assumes the role of another. The primary purpose is of role playing is to help participants and observers gain new perceptions about Human relationship.
Mediated simulation
A simulation in category uses audio and visual media to present a problem, case or task, to represent some aspect of an interpersonal encounter.
·        Video tape simulation
·        Electronic simulation
Physical simulation
This category includes the use of dimensional life model of the part or all of human body to teach or evaluate specific clinical skills.
Live simulated patients
It is a technique that has been used for some time in medical education result of decreased fear of the making mistakes or harming the patient.
Computer simulation
Simulation of this use a computer to present cases, provide inform requested by the student, incorporate decision s made, and provide feed back to student about the effect of decisions.
Gamed simulation
This category of simulation includes those activities that have the character of both a game and simulation. Gamed simulation can be designed to everyone is involved in the activity wins if the specified goal is archived.
Parameters of simulation
There are 3 parameters of the simulation
·        Stylized simulation – e.g. Maps, weather, charts etc.
·        Games – e.g. chess
·        Free drama -e.g. mock- parliament
 Education simulation lies somewhere in between these three parameter simulation.

Simulation techniques
  • Role play
  • Simulation games
  • Special radios or TV Network
Principles of simulation
Rhyburn emphasis this aspect  in these words “The guidance of the teacher is mainly a matter of giving the right kind of stimulus to help to learn the right things in the right way”.
Steps in  simulation
However few steps recommended given by Ned Flanders
Step one:
Assign letter designation by letter so that each individual has a chance to become actor, foil and observer.
Step two:
Decide the skill to be practiced and suggest topics of the conversation that fit the skill.
Step three:
Decide who start the conversation suggest a schedule for actor intentions and decide who will stop the in traction and when it is should be stopped.
Step four:
Speculate on the procedure of evaluation and decide on what kind of data the observers are to record and how their data and opinions can best be stopped.
Step five:
Conduct the first practice session; provide the actor with feedback.
Step six:
Be prepared to alter the procedure to keep interest as high as possible.
Point remembered while doing simulation
1.      Objectives:
Objectives should be very much precise and clear.
2.      Motivation
Participants should be well motivated in advance
3.      Involvement
Participants should be performing certain roles. Involved to perform certain roles
4.      flexibility
Flexibility in approach and expression should exist out under structured guidelines.
Advantages of simulated teaching
  • simulation motivates and involves student teachers
  • it can be enjoyable realistic and helpful
  • it forges close link between theory and practice
  • it forms a valuable elements in the practical professional work of the student teachers
  • general affective learning is improved  by increasing each students self-awareness and sense of personal effectiveness.
Limitations of simulated devices
  • Craft-man ship is required
  • Expensive
  • usable for small group
  • Artificial
  • Easily damaged
  • Wrong learning

Simulation approach encourages students to express and participate in different situations. There by bring about behavior modification in them.

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