A checklist consist of a listing of steps, activities as behavior which the observer records when the incident occurs. While preparing a checklist teacher must keep in mind what kind of behavior are important to record and what kind of objectives are to be evaluated.
          A checklist enables the observer to note only whether or not a trait or characteristic in present.
Suggestions to follows while using checklist
-        Checklist should relate directly to learning objectives.
-        Checklist needs to be confined to performances area that can be assessed sufficiently by examining positive and negative criteria and when sufficient opportunity for observation exists.
-        Use checklist only when you are interest in ascertaining whether a particulars trait or characteristic is present or absent.
-        Clearly specify the traits or characteristics to be observed.
-        Have a separate checklist for each candidate individual observations can be recorded on a master checklist.
-        The observes must be trained how to observe what to observe and how to record the observed behavior.
-        Multiple observations provide a more accurate assessment of performance than a single observation.
-        Students should be evaluated in the natural setting or one closely as possible to real situation.
-        A completed checklist should be given to each student for review followed by an individual session with the student, to discuss the strength and weakness of the performance and formulate a plan to improve the performance.

-        These are used for measuring the social attitudes.
-        Questionnaires is prepared, by the items in the questionnaires are the attitude of an individual towards a matter thing, and object or system and score will be allotted for each item.
-        We will ask the individual to express his response towards an object or system on the basis of his responses, he is assigned a score which indicates the position.
-        Some relevant and indirect statement will also be used to reveal the attitude.
-        The scale also specifies the crucial shades of opinions.

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