These techniques are based on the phenomenon of projection. In these techniques relatively indefinite and unstructured stimuli are provided to the subject and he is asked to structure them in any way he likes. By doing so he unconsciously projects his  own desires, hopes, fears repressed wishes etc and thus not only reveals his private world but gives a proper clue to estimate his total personality.

1.     Frank (1939) defined “ projective techniques is a kind of x-ray into those aspects of personality
2.     English and English (1958) “ projective techniques are the process of preserving objective stimuli in line with personal interest, desires and fears or expectations”.

     Purpose of the test is disguised
·       Freedom to respond.
·       No right or no wrong answer.
·       Ambiguous or vague test materials.
·       Evoke responses from unconscious
·       Multi dimensionality of responses.
·       Molar approach
·       Reliability of the test
·       Validity of the test

      Rorschach Ink blot test
2.     TAT
3.     CAT
4.     Word Association Test
5.     Sentence Completion Test
6.     Doll Play.
7.     Mud Play
8.     Drawing test
9.     Story telling Tests

             This technique has been developed by the Swiss Psychologist Mr. Harman’s Rorschach. Material of the test consists of ten cards on which we have ink blots. Five of them are in black and white and five are multi coloured. The ink blots are completely unstructured, the shapes of blots do not have any specific meaning.

       a)     Administration of test- The cards are presented to the subject one at a time and in a prescribed sequence. The subject is asked to look at each card and reveal what he has seen on each card, what it might be for him, what it makes him think of. All the responses are taken down verbatim. If the subject is unresponsive or does not speak anything, encouragement is given by using words like “most people have seen more than one thing”. It is always better to get more than one response from the subject.
     b)     Interpretation- Since the picture in the card itself is highly ambiguous, the subjects prescriptions of it is determined to a very large extend by his own mental nature or mental set. The interpretation should be based upon what aspect of the teacher promotes the subjects to respond. Some perceive the card as a whole while others perceive the minute details.
     c)     Scoring: It is named as
·       Location
·       Content
·       Time
·       Determinants
·       Originality


            This test consists of perception of certain pictures in a thematic manner, revealing imaginative themes are called “Thematic Apperception Test”. This test was developed by Murray and Morgan.

Test Material

            This test consists of 29 pictures which portray human beings in a variety of actual life situations and one blank card. These pictures are vague and indefinite. Each picture is such that it can elicit a variety of responses.


            The pictures are presented one at a time. The subject is taught clearly that this is a test of creative imagination and that there is no right and wrong response. During the response, cheer and subject up. As he writes the story describing that situation or the cause of that situation on the picture, the subject unconsciously projects so many characteristics of his personality. Moreover the global view of one’s personality should be based upon the response of all the 19 pictures and one blank card.

     They are less susceptible to faking than self report measures.
·       It is particularly useful with children

·       It is often easier to make rapport and gain people’s interest with projective techniques than a questionnaire or scale.

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